paedyn´s characters!

meet my WCO characters (at least my main characters)!


Purrks Overview: Killer Aptitude Tier 3, Flock Together Tier 3, Lyrebird´s LullabyLarkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior, although she is half-RiverClan. Her mother left RiverClan for ThunderClan whenever she fell in love with Larkswoop´s father, Smoketear. Larkswoop has three littermates. Breezepool and Willowfrost remain in ThunderClan with her. Crowtalon, however, has gone missing. Not even a trace of him to be found.Larkswoop is training an apprentice, Ravenpaw. She oversees the work that Ravenpaw needs, and makes sure that Ravenpaw gets the training she deserves.Previous Names: Larkpaw, Larkkit
Rank: Warrior (Apprentice, Kit)
Appearance: A broad-shouldered, dusky-brown and white mackerel tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Littermates: Crowtalon, Breezepool, Willowfrost
Apprentice(s): Ravenpaw (Falconpaw, Tigerpaw, Silverpaw)
Mate: Finchswoop
Voice Claim: Nicole Scherzinger


Purrks Overview: Silver Tongue Tier 2, Kitty Softpaws Tier 2, Mind Reader
Pondpaw is a ShadowClan apprentice under the mentorship of Tuftedtusk, a ShadowClan Enforcer. It may seem hard to believe, but this apprentice was formerly a part of RiverClan, in which Pondpaw - Cascadepaw, then - left, because she hadn´t liked the way it was being run at the time. Cascadepaw approached the ShadowClan Border and managed to convince Dawnstar to let her join. Two of her Clanmates - Orchidflare and Doedapple, who had been her mentor back then - had come with her. Dawnstar agreed to letting her become a ShadowClan apprentice, and that is when Cascadepaw had her name changed to Pondpaw. At the meeting where her joining was announced, Dawnstar placed her in under Tuftedtusk.
Previous Names: Cascadepaw, Cascadekit
Rank: Apprentice (Kit)
Appearance: A mottled blue-gray mackerel tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Littermates: TBD
Mentor(s): Tuftedtusk (Doedapple)
Crush: N / A
Voice Claim: Idina Menzel


  • Purrks Overview: Ultimate Predator, Trick of the Eye, Go with the Flow

  • Primrosepaw is a RiverClan apprentice under the mentorship of Adderstrike. She´s very bubbly and sweet, and known for lending a paw to those in need. This young she-cat has always been loyal to RiverClan, and she will continue to be loyal until her dying breath.

  • Previous Names: Primrosekit

  • Rank: Apprentice (Kit)

  • Appearance: A small-statured, mottled dark-cream-and-white she-cat with emerald green eyes.

  • Littermates: Dewpaw

  • Mentor: Adderstrike

  • Crush: N / A

  • Voice Claim: Cristina Vee


Purrks Overview: Well Insulated, Agatha KittyFadingdawn is a WindClan Warrior with a fierce, motherly temper. She is known for her mentoring skills, as well as for her kindness. However, this warrior is not afraid to defend herself and her Clan.Previous Names: Fadingpaw, Fadingkit
Rank: Warrior (Apprentice, Kit)
Appearance: A white-and-pale-ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Littermates: TBS
Apprentice(s): Cardinalpaw, Fleetpaw
Mate: N / A
Voice Claim: Kristen Bell

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